Like in previous versions Football
Manager 2016 allows you to customize what information is displayed on
the various Player Rating screens shown on the Match Screens.
However the coding for this has changed slightly in FM16 so now is a good time to create a proper guide showing you how to edit these screens.
Locating the default xml files
There are several different Player Rating screens shown in the matches, so which file you need to edit depends on which screen you are wanting to customize.
Below is a list of the default screens and the corresponding xml file, however if you are using a custom skin (or one of my Match Mods) then the file you need to edit might be different depending on what changes the skinner has made:
However the coding for this has changed slightly in FM16 so now is a good time to create a proper guide showing you how to edit these screens.
Locating the default xml files
There are several different Player Rating screens shown in the matches, so which file you need to edit depends on which screen you are wanting to customize.
Below is a list of the default screens and the corresponding xml file, however if you are using a custom skin (or one of my Match Mods) then the file you need to edit might be different depending on what changes the skinner has made:
Match Screen |
xml File Location |
Full Mode Skins |
Overview -> <TEAM> Body Language | match team stats overview.xml |
Overview -> <TEAM> Stats |
match team motivation short.xml |
Pitch Full -> IBH -> <TEAM> Body Language | match team motivation short.xml |
Pitch Full -> IBH -> <TEAM> Stats | match team stats popup.xml |
Pitch Full -> Widgets -> <TEAM> Team Ratings | match team stats floating.xml |
Pitch Full -> Widgets -> <TEAM> Performance |
match team motivation floating.xml |
Pitch Full -> Widgets -> <TEAM> Body Language |
match team performance floating.xml |
Pitch Split -> <TEAM> Body Language |
match team motivation short.xml |
Pitch Split -> <TEAM> Stats |
match team stats short.xml |
Stats -> Player Ratings | match team stats short.xml |
Stats -> <TEAM> Stats | match team stats full.xml |
FMTouch Mode Skins |
Overview -> <TEAM> Stats | skins\fmc\panels\match team stats overview.xml |
Pitch Split -> <TEAM> Stats | match team stats short.xml |
Stats -> Player Ratings | match team stats short.xml |
Stats -> <TEAM> Stats | skins\fmc\panels\match team stats full.xml |
Pitch Full -> IBH -> <TEAM> Stats | skins\fmc\panels\match team stats popup.xml |
Pitch Full -> Widgets -> <TEAM> Team Ratings | match team stats floating.xml |
Pitch Full -> Widgets -> <TEAM> Performance | match team motivation floating.xml |
The above files can be located in the panels.fmf file (apart from the noted FMTouch ones that are found in the full location listed above) if you do not know how to extract the default files then have a read of this guide: FM15 Guide: How to Extract Default Files
How to Edit the xml files
Whilst there are several different files that you can edit they are all edited in the same way, for this guide I will talk you through editing the 'match team stats short.xml' file which you can see from the above table is used on the Player Ratings screen and on the Split View Stats screen.
When you open this file in the middle you will notice this list of commands:
These determine what columns display, in what order they display and what extra (if any) properties they take.
For example the below screenshot shows a portion of the default Player Ratings screen:

From that you can see that the left most column is the No. column and this corresponds to the "PsnC" id listed above, the next column is the Time column which corresponds to the "PinD" id.
A list of the most common ids and what they correspond to is listed below:
<record id="PsnC" /> - Player Number in Circle
<record id="Psnu" /> - Player Number text only
<record id="Pcar" /> - Status Column used for yellow/red cards
<record id="Pnam" /> - Players Name
<record id="Pmtc" /> - Body Language
<record id="Pcon" /> - Condition with doughnut and text
<record id="MPco" /> - Condition doughnut only
<record id="Pfit" /> - Match Sharpness with doughnut and text
<record id="PinD" /> - Time Column, subs/inj/sent off
<record id="MPrt" /> - Rating
<record id="MPgl" /> - Goals
<record id="MPas" /> - Assists
<record id="Ppfc" /> - Performance Description
<record id="MPdr" /> - Total Distance Run
<record id="MPpa" /> - Pass Attempts
<record id="MPpc" /> - Pass Completed
<record id="MPcr" /> - Cross Attempts
<record id="MPcc" /> - Cross Completed
<record id="MPkp" /> - Key Passess
<record id="MPta" /> - Tackle Attempts
<record id="MPkt" /> - Key Tackles
<record id="MPtw" /> - Tackles Won
<record id="MPha" /> - Header Attempts
<record id="MPhw" /> - Headers Won
<record id="MPky" /> - Key Headers
<record id="MPic" /> - Interceptions Made
<record id="MPrw" /> - Dribbles Made
<record id="MOff" /> - Offside
<record id="MPfm" /> - Fouls Made
<record id="MPfd" /> - Fouls Against
<record id="MPst" /> - Shots
<record id="MPso" /> - Shots on Target
<record id="MPsh" /> - Saves Held
<record id="MPsp" /> - Saves Parried
<record id="MPsd" /> - Saves Tipped
<record id="MPsb" /> - Shots Blocked
<record id="MPcn" /> - Conceeded
<record id="MPcp" /> - Not used???
<record id="MPmt" /> - Mistakes
<record id="MPti" /> - Throw Ins
<record id="MPce" /> - Corners
<record id="MPdf" /> - Defending Free Kicks
<record id="MPaf" /> - Attacking Free Kicks
<record id="Pshp" /> - Short Form Picking Column
<record id="Pfot" /> - Preferred Foot
<record id=" Pmor" /> - Player Morale
<record id=" Pfrm" /> - Last Five Games Rating and graph
There are more ids you can use that aren't listed here, you can find them in a couple of ways. All of the game ids we have access to are located in the xml files located inside the sections.fmf file, for players the one you want look in is called 'person properties.xml' in that file it is just a case of looking through the file until you find the section of code that applies to what you want to show and taking the id listed, note that some items will have different ids depending on where they are shown in game, finding the right one is just a case of trial and error. Another method of locating an id is if you know where the in the game the item is displaying, locate the xml file that controls that place and see what id is used there and copy that over. Note however that not all items will work correctly on the match screen most should but some might not.
To add a new column all you need to do is locate the id (from the above list for example) and paste it into the xml file in the position you want it to appear in.
For example if I wanted to know how many mistakes my players were making I'd find the code for mistakes and paste it into the file like so:
And as I have positioned the code inbetween the Condition (Pcon) and Ratings (MPrt) ids this means the Mistakes column will appear inbetween them in game:

You can also modify the existing columns by changing the ids or you can remove them entirely if you want, for example if you didn't want the Player Numbers displaying in circles you can change the "PsnC" id to "Psnu" which will display the number as text only and if I didn't want the assists column to display deleting the following line:
Will stop it from displaying and leave the screen looking something like this:

Adding Attributes to the Columns
You can also add attributes to the columns to change their appearance or size.
You'll notice that some of the default lines are flags elements whilst the lines I have added are record elements. The game will read either of these elements so you can use either flags or record elements.
However if you use a flags element the game will only read the first attribute (the id one), but if you use the record element the game will read multiple attributes for the item.
For example if you consider the two default lines:
The Condition line is a flags element as it only has the one attribute (id), however the Rating line is a record element as it has two attributes (id and auto_hide_priority).
As the game will happily read a record element with just the one attribute associated with it, it is easier to just use the record element as it saves you having to remember to change the element if you decide to add more attributes to the item at a later date.
There are many attributes that you can add to these items (pretty much any attribute that can be applied to other text or tables in the game should be assignable to these items), though following attributes are the more common ones you are likely to use:
width="XXX" - As it implies this sets the width of the column, where you replace XXX with the value of the width you want. There is also a minimum_width and maximum_width attribute you can use.
auto_hide_priority="XXX" - This sets the order that the game starts hiding columns if it doesn't have enough space to display everything you have added, items with the highest number will disappear first, whilst items with a value of 1 will disappear last, you can also set several items to the same value.
You will generally have to use these time in combination to fit extra columns in, as depending on the panel you are editing and your screen resolution there might not be enough space with the default values for everything you have added to display.
colour="XXX" - Used to set the text colour, replace the XXX with the name of the colour set in the settings file, however this attribut won't affect all items as some take there colours from elsewhere (condition, name columns for example)
size="XXX" - Sets the size of the text.
spec="XXX" - Changes the style of the text, you can use bold or italic or you can assign it to one of the xml files delcared in the fonts folder to have the text take on the properties of that text, for example if you assign it to title it will take on the all caps appearance as shown on the sub-panel titles.
alignment="XXX" - Sets how the content is aligned in the column, you can use left, right or centre.
You can also adjust other parts of these screens aswell.
If you want to change the colour of the column headings locate this line:
And change the colour value to a different name. Whilst the spec attribute on this line will control all of the text in the table, so if you changed that to italic it would make all of the items italic not just the header. With the match colours attribute telling the game to use the match versions of the variable colours for the player names and conditions for example.
If you want to adjust the height of the rows in the table then locate this line:
And add a row_height="XXX" bit to the line like so:
How To Determine the Position of Brought On Subs
You may have noticed that on some of the screens when you bring a sub on he appears in the First XI in place of the player you took off and on other screens he stays in the same position he had on the bench before being brought on. Like in previous versions you can change this behaviour however the way you do it has changed in FM16.
If you want the subs to appear in the First XI when brought on you will need to add the following code to the file:
The best place to add this is just after the default_properties line.
Next in the list of columns you need to add the following line before the first item in the list:
So the middle bit of the file should now look something like this:
If you want the screen to stop moving the subs into the First XI then just delete those added lines from the file, if the file doesn't have those lines then the subs will keep their place on the bench by default.
Whilst there are several different files that you can edit they are all edited in the same way, for this guide I will talk you through editing the 'match team stats short.xml' file which you can see from the above table is used on the Player Ratings screen and on the Split View Stats screen.
When you open this file in the middle you will notice this list of commands:
<flags id="PsnC" />
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
These determine what columns display, in what order they display and what extra (if any) properties they take.
For example the below screenshot shows a portion of the default Player Ratings screen:

From that you can see that the left most column is the No. column and this corresponds to the "PsnC" id listed above, the next column is the Time column which corresponds to the "PinD" id.
A list of the most common ids and what they correspond to is listed below:
<record id="PsnC" /> - Player Number in Circle
<record id="Psnu" /> - Player Number text only
<record id="Pcar" /> - Status Column used for yellow/red cards
<record id="Pnam" /> - Players Name
<record id="Pmtc" /> - Body Language
<record id="Pcon" /> - Condition with doughnut and text
<record id="MPco" /> - Condition doughnut only
<record id="Pfit" /> - Match Sharpness with doughnut and text
<record id="PinD" /> - Time Column, subs/inj/sent off
<record id="MPrt" /> - Rating
<record id="MPgl" /> - Goals
<record id="MPas" /> - Assists
<record id="Ppfc" /> - Performance Description
<record id="MPdr" /> - Total Distance Run
<record id="MPpa" /> - Pass Attempts
<record id="MPpc" /> - Pass Completed
<record id="MPcr" /> - Cross Attempts
<record id="MPcc" /> - Cross Completed
<record id="MPkp" /> - Key Passess
<record id="MPta" /> - Tackle Attempts
<record id="MPkt" /> - Key Tackles
<record id="MPtw" /> - Tackles Won
<record id="MPha" /> - Header Attempts
<record id="MPhw" /> - Headers Won
<record id="MPky" /> - Key Headers
<record id="MPic" /> - Interceptions Made
<record id="MPrw" /> - Dribbles Made
<record id="MOff" /> - Offside
<record id="MPfm" /> - Fouls Made
<record id="MPfd" /> - Fouls Against
<record id="MPst" /> - Shots
<record id="MPso" /> - Shots on Target
<record id="MPsh" /> - Saves Held
<record id="MPsp" /> - Saves Parried
<record id="MPsd" /> - Saves Tipped
<record id="MPsb" /> - Shots Blocked
<record id="MPcn" /> - Conceeded
<record id="MPcp" /> - Not used???
<record id="MPmt" /> - Mistakes
<record id="MPti" /> - Throw Ins
<record id="MPce" /> - Corners
<record id="MPdf" /> - Defending Free Kicks
<record id="MPaf" /> - Attacking Free Kicks
<record id="Pshp" /> - Short Form Picking Column
<record id="Pfot" /> - Preferred Foot
<record id=" Pmor" /> - Player Morale
<record id=" Pfrm" /> - Last Five Games Rating and graph
There are more ids you can use that aren't listed here, you can find them in a couple of ways. All of the game ids we have access to are located in the xml files located inside the sections.fmf file, for players the one you want look in is called 'person properties.xml' in that file it is just a case of looking through the file until you find the section of code that applies to what you want to show and taking the id listed, note that some items will have different ids depending on where they are shown in game, finding the right one is just a case of trial and error. Another method of locating an id is if you know where the in the game the item is displaying, locate the xml file that controls that place and see what id is used there and copy that over. Note however that not all items will work correctly on the match screen most should but some might not.
To add a new column all you need to do is locate the id (from the above list for example) and paste it into the xml file in the position you want it to appear in.
For example if I wanted to know how many mistakes my players were making I'd find the code for mistakes and paste it into the file like so:
<flags id="PsnC" />
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPmt" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPmt" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
And as I have positioned the code inbetween the Condition (Pcon) and Ratings (MPrt) ids this means the Mistakes column will appear inbetween them in game:

You can also modify the existing columns by changing the ids or you can remove them entirely if you want, for example if you didn't want the Player Numbers displaying in circles you can change the "PsnC" id to "Psnu" which will display the number as text only and if I didn't want the assists column to display deleting the following line:
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
Will stop it from displaying and leave the screen looking something like this:

Adding Attributes to the Columns
You can also add attributes to the columns to change their appearance or size.
You'll notice that some of the default lines are flags elements whilst the lines I have added are record elements. The game will read either of these elements so you can use either flags or record elements.
However if you use a flags element the game will only read the first attribute (the id one), but if you use the record element the game will read multiple attributes for the item.
For example if you consider the two default lines:
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
The Condition line is a flags element as it only has the one attribute (id), however the Rating line is a record element as it has two attributes (id and auto_hide_priority).
As the game will happily read a record element with just the one attribute associated with it, it is easier to just use the record element as it saves you having to remember to change the element if you decide to add more attributes to the item at a later date.
There are many attributes that you can add to these items (pretty much any attribute that can be applied to other text or tables in the game should be assignable to these items), though following attributes are the more common ones you are likely to use:
width="XXX" - As it implies this sets the width of the column, where you replace XXX with the value of the width you want. There is also a minimum_width and maximum_width attribute you can use.
auto_hide_priority="XXX" - This sets the order that the game starts hiding columns if it doesn't have enough space to display everything you have added, items with the highest number will disappear first, whilst items with a value of 1 will disappear last, you can also set several items to the same value.
You will generally have to use these time in combination to fit extra columns in, as depending on the panel you are editing and your screen resolution there might not be enough space with the default values for everything you have added to display.
colour="XXX" - Used to set the text colour, replace the XXX with the name of the colour set in the settings file, however this attribut won't affect all items as some take there colours from elsewhere (condition, name columns for example)
size="XXX" - Sets the size of the text.
spec="XXX" - Changes the style of the text, you can use bold or italic or you can assign it to one of the xml files delcared in the fonts folder to have the text take on the properties of that text, for example if you assign it to title it will take on the all caps appearance as shown on the sub-panel titles.
alignment="XXX" - Sets how the content is aligned in the column, you can use left, right or centre.
You can also adjust other parts of these screens aswell.
If you want to change the colour of the column headings locate this line:
<record id="default_properties" spec="text" colour="match text" use_match_colours="true"/>
And change the colour value to a different name. Whilst the spec attribute on this line will control all of the text in the table, so if you changed that to italic it would make all of the items italic not just the header. With the match colours attribute telling the game to use the match versions of the variable colours for the player names and conditions for example.
If you want to adjust the height of the rows in the table then locate this line:
<widget class="tactic_player_list_table" id="pltb" database_table_type="1" mode="fill_rows,stripe_rows,printable">
And add a row_height="XXX" bit to the line like so:
<widget class="tactic_player_list_table" id="pltb" database_table_type="1" mode="fill_rows,stripe_rows,printable" row_height="40">
How To Determine the Position of Brought On Subs
You may have noticed that on some of the screens when you bring a sub on he appears in the First XI in place of the player you took off and on other screens he stays in the same position he had on the bench before being brought on. Like in previous versions you can change this behaviour however the way you do it has changed in FM16.
If you want the subs to appear in the First XI when brought on you will need to add the following code to the file:
<list id="default_sort_column">
<integer value="TPRD" />
<integer value="TPRD" />
The best place to add this is just after the default_properties line.
Next in the list of columns you need to add the following line before the first item in the list:
<record id="TPRD" hidden="true"/>
So the middle bit of the file should now look something like this:
<record id="default_properties" spec="text" colour="match text" use_match_colours="true"/>
<!-- default sort by playing position (primary), then picked position, then name -->
<list id="default_sort_column">
<integer value="TPRD" />
<list id="viws">
<record id="msvw">
<record id="view">
<record id="TPRD" hidden="true"/>
<flags id="PsnC" />
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
<!-- default sort by playing position (primary), then picked position, then name -->
<list id="default_sort_column">
<integer value="TPRD" />
<list id="viws">
<record id="msvw">
<record id="view">
<record id="TPRD" hidden="true"/>
<flags id="PsnC" />
<flags id="PinD" />
<flags id="Pcar" />
<flags id="Pnam" />
<flags id="Pcon" />
<record id="MPrt" auto_hide_priority="1300"/>
<record id="MPgl" auto_hide_priority="1400"/>
<record id="MPas" auto_hide_priority="1500"/>
If you want the screen to stop moving the subs into the First XI then just delete those added lines from the file, if the file doesn't have those lines then the subs will keep their place on the bench by default.
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You are free to post this content to your website provided:
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