Football Manager 2016 introduced a new method of recolouring the titlebar, which simplfied the code and made it possible to recolour more of the skin, however one of the other things this new method did was apply a contrast check to the colours to make them more readable, however some people prefer the teams to use their original proper kit colours in the titlebar.
This is what this mod does it replaces the new contrast checking recolouring code with the old style pure recolouring code.
Note: Whilst this mod removes the contrast check which will result in the colours of some teams changing, it won't set all teams to their 'real' colours it will only set them to the colours declared in the database, so whilst it will change the shade of blue used for Barcelona it won't set their text colour to red, as the database has them set to yellow.
However not all parts of the game support the old recolouring code so this isn't a perfect replacement, the two main areas the old code isn't supported on are:
- The Match Screens.
- The Actionbar text.
(Top part of image is default skin, bottom part this mod)

I've also tweaked the size of the back/forward arrows as in the default skin the back arrow is bigger, which doesn't look right when the recolouring has been removed from them.
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