As with most recent Football Managers for you to make certain changes in Football Manager 2022 you need to create a new skin. Thankfully over the last few years some more stuff has been moved out of the skins folder so you only really need the Base skin if you are wanting to edit the skin graphics, fonts or colours. If you want to edit the match graphics or the most of the panel xml files you no longer really need the base skins.
So to make things easier for people I've put up a base skin that is identical to the default skin that comes with the game, so you can add new files/graphics to these without messing up the original skin, and anything that isn't located in these new skin folders will be taken from the default locations within the game.
For Football Manager 2022 there is just the one Base Skin based on the Default Skin which is the Dark version this year, it is also possible that I may release a couple of alternative versions with different accent colours after the full release if I get a chance.
A Light Skin will follow but again with no default light skin this year it requires more work, but should be quicker than last year.
Full instructions on when and how to use the Base Skins can be found on the download page, please ensure you read the page in detail before downloading the Base Skins as it will save you problems in the future.
If you have any further questions on the Base Skins please ask any questions in the Skinning Hideout on the Official SIGames Forums.
You are free to do what you want with these Base Skins provided:
1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username and blog address are included:
4. If linking to my work then please provide a link to the download
page rather than the download link as the download link may change.
If you like my work then
feel free to send me a donation this is completely optional all of my
content is and will always be free to access.
If you have any further questions on the Base Skins please ask any questions in the Skinning Hideout on the Official SIGames Forums.
You are free to do what you want with these Base Skins provided:
1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username and blog address are included: http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk/
4. If linking to my work then please provide a link to the download page rather than the download link as the download link may change.
If you like my work then feel free to send me a donation this is completely optional all of my content is and will always be free to access.
You are free to do what you want with these Base Skins provided:
1. They are not sold or behind a paywall.
2. You don't advertise them as being exclusive to your website.
3. My username and blog address are included: http://michaeltmurrayuk.blogspot.co.uk/
4. If linking to my work then please provide a link to the download page rather than the download link as the download link may change.
If you like my work then feel free to send me a donation this is completely optional all of my content is and will always be free to access.